Butterfly Flowers! What is great about digital printables is the ability to do some of the design and layout before printing. It is also a time for contemplation, for getting a feel about what the paper is saying then taking that information as a means to decide what is needed that will make the whole visual sing out loud. What transpired was an old-world, European feel to the backgrounds which then lead to the use of drawings in an encyclopedia-botanical style to match up to corresponding French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, and German literature alongside the definition. It was a means to meld the scientific with the artistic using the butterfly flower both figuratively and literally. Poems, songs, and sayings in a variety of languages were selected to further reinforce the theme; visual embellishments were added to enrich the overall feel of the pages and add a bit of mystery to engage the viewer.
Watch our full-length video here or scroll down to watch a quick flip:
This three-part set is unique in that each part can be purchased separately. One set includes unadorned backgrounds for those who want to customize or use it with signatures already in process. The ephemera and tags sets come ready to use as is but also lend themselves to layering, size adjustment to indicate depth, and repetition to create a unified look to each page. This kit was a joy to work with. There are so many different pieces and pages to choose from and even though we didn’t use every page from the kit they will easily adapt for use in future projects.
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